Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Basketball hooter

My names James Saunders I am a junior at ridge wood high. I play on the basketball team and our basketball team has not made the playoffs or got a state championship since i was on varsity when i was a freshmen. I mad varsity when i was a freshmen everybody was surprised but i wasnt i knew i had the skills to make varsity i was also a starter so i was really one of the best things going in ridge wood high. It was my junior year and i was determined to get a state championship.

Me and my coach are very close with each other he's known me since i was just 7 years old. He was a math teacher for the ninth graders. When it was lunch time i always went to his room for lunch and we would just talk. He told me he needed to tell me something very important and he didnt want me to say anything to anybody. He told me that their was a 6'5 shooting guard coming to our school that he recruited from France, he said when he went to France for his vacation he said that he went to the courts and the kid was just good and he said that he was a 6'5 ripped guard that had handle and could shoot and his handles were amazing. Coach told me that his name was Ron Paul. I was a little jealous at first because i was the star of the team but i just thought to myself and it would be nice to actually be nice to have some help and i was just thinking that we could just go all the way with just to really good players and a good team also this year to help us out. Coach told me that he was coming in one week but we wanted him to be a suprise to everyone so he was just going to be a regular new kid at the school but when ball season came around he would share the spotlight with me.

It was a week later it looked like Ron was getting more comfortable he was making friends and even becoming friendly with teachers. I noticed Ron started hanging out with a very bad group of kids, they were actually a big group of bullies. I didn't really pay attention because i thought that Ron was a good kid and he wouldn't let the group he was with influence to do any bad things at all.Ron started to kind of bully some kids with the group he was with but i didn't really care for it it looked like he was just playing because he had a big smile on his face when he was doing the whole thing.

Tryouts were today and their was a boat of new freshmen trying out and a few sophmores and like two or three juniors. I was exited i was hanging out with mostly everybody from last years team we were on th bleachers gossiping about all the new people that were trying out, Then we seen Ron the biggest kid out there putting up a few shots and i watched him he only missed one shot in the whole half hour that everyone was warming up for tryouts. Coach collins blew the whistle and told everyone to go to the baseline. Their was three other coaches with him coach williams, johnson, jennings. They were asking everyone for names and grades. Coach johnson and jennings took care of the freshmen and sophmores because they were automatically on junior varsity. Coach collins and williams took the juniors and seniors. We went to a different gym from the jv players so we could have a whole court to ourselves. Coach broke us up into four different teams. Me and him went at it shot after shot with each other.

The next day the team was posted me and ron were the first two names up there. We had practice but while i was in the locker room i heard ron and someone else surprisingly i seen him trying to take some kids money but i thought he was just playing. Time passed and we were getting ready for our first game. Ron seemed to be more aggressive with everyone in practice and was started not be the nice guy i thought he was. After our last practice ron was in the locker room before everybody going through bags and everything i didnt pay attention. Today was the day of our first game. It was first block i seen ron in my physics teachers class going through his bag while my teacher just watched then he started beating my teacher up after he had taken all of his stuff. Ron and my physics teacher were really close with eachother so i thought they were just playing so i didn't pay any attention to it all.

Today was our first game everybody had on the school colors red and black. It was the end of the day and it was game time. Everybody was in the locker room getting geared up. I was talking to Will he was on the team last year and hes a junior. He told me if i knew about what Ron was doing to other students and guys on the team. He said that he was stealing and taking everybody's stuff bullying everyone also. I wasn't really surprised i believed how couldn't you. He hung out with a group of bullies I've seen him take peoples stuff, but i would hold all that off until after the game. It was game time me and Ron were in the back court. We got the ball first after tip off. Me and ron went off in the first half i had 25 and he had 24 points. the score was 55-50 we were up. We came out of half time ready to play. Ron went off and scored another 20 points i scored another 22. game was close 108-110 with eight seconds left. We let our point guard try and take the last shot he rushed up the court with the ball and he took a quick pull up and it rimmed out. I looked at ron at the end of the game he was so mad. Once everyone left the lockers Ron was still in there with our point guard i heard slamming and everything i ran over pulled ron off of him and i had to slam him down and tie him down until my coach came. Once he did he took ron but i had heard ron had ran away from the police and our coach and was never seen again. People sometimes like taking up the fame and when that happens they get into themselves.


  1. very good story could use a little work but besides i enjoyed reading this alot.

  2. Your story was very interesting to me. I feel you made some error but if you fix it some it will be much better. Other than that the story was okay to me. i hope you get the chance to change the errors in your story.
